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Why choose the Canadian cancer society?

Canadian Cancer Society: Together we are bigger than cancer
Kai Art Work - Image authorized by the Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is a non-profit organization that advocates for both the physical and emotional wellbeing of cancer patients in Canada.  CCS has a variety of networks, support  programs, and resources available to cancer patients to help guide and support them during this challenging experience. They also encourage the development of more effective physical therapies to treat cancer and more effective ways to psychologically aid cancer patients. CCS funds the most promising research across all cancer types, so they can give all Canadians hope – no matter where they are in their cancer experience. Research helps cancer patients attain a higher standard of life, both in a physical and mental aspect, during the course of their treatment which provides stability and general wellbeing.



A Message From the Canadian Cancer Society:


The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is dedicated to improving the cancer experience by helping people live longer, fuller lives. We fund game-changing research, advocate to governments for important social change and provide a comprehensive cancer support system so that no one faces cancer alone. We believe that life is bigger than cancer.

Here's how we are doing more:



  • Educate people – we educate people on how to reduce their risk of cancer and how some types of cancer can be found early. 





There is still more work to be done, and our vision to create a world where no Canadian fears cancer is only achievable if we work collectively with people united by the same goals. Together, we are a force-for-life in the face of cancer.



To learn more about the Canadian Cancer Society or to make a donation please contact:

Toll-free: 1 - 888 - 939 - 3333


Donate: 1 - 800 - 268 - 8874

Or visit

Thank you, we will be in touch!


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